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I am Benito

Benito was born in Trujillo, Peru during the year 1960. He participated in diverse projects at the temple of Trujillo-Peru where he restored works of art. During this time, he started to paint his own masterpieces. Benito Cerna is an autodidact artist who prefers to paint with oils.


Sensitive, simple, warm, charismatic and talented. Hyperkinetic, hardworking and an art lover who possesses a charming essence. 

Ladies in the Workshop. 49 x 67. Oil on Canvas. 2007.

The Songbird Sale Momentum

Dear friends,


I am honored to present to the world my new series of paintings which I have named Momentums. This series arises from the motivating force and passion that women and men have in the world of thoroughbred horses, the sport of kings.


Attending the equine treasures' sales, valuable as an original fine art piece for which they dispute the acquisition; following the Derby and many other famous races, has awakened in me the inspiration to eternalize these unrepeatable moments.

Seeing all these elements in a mysterious and, at the same time, majestic space, I discovered, amazed, something very different than what I was used to paint.


With the support of my colleague and art promoter Fabiana Novillo Díaz and her husband, veterinarian Dr. Gustavo Vautier, my works to eternalize this entire world are here to stay.


Slender horses, fierce mares, ladies crowning their fabulous hats, glamorous gentlemen, the excitement of the final stretch, the beauty and the passion, they are now the muses that inspire me to paint.


Today I present this series of paintings to the world and all lovers of this magnificent universe of horse racing, to which I give tribute with Momentums.

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The Songbird Sale Momentum. 34" x 48" Oil on Canvas.

Knots. 20 x 20. Oil on Canvas. 2011.

Drawing. 40 x 34. Acrylic. Pastel pencil on Canvas. 2016.

Dama y Vino

Lady and Wine

Chosen for the SNBA exhibition at the Carrousel du Louvre, Paris, France Won Silver Medal overall for excellence in Painting.


Abstract Oil on Canvas 55-5x36in

Serie: Caballo De Polo I

Series: Polo Horse I

After watching an exhilarating polo match, I found myself captivated by the elegance and power of the magnificent polo horses galloping across the field. The way they effortlessly maneuvered, their muscular grace, and the intensity in their eyes left an indelible impression on me. Inspired by this breathtaking spectacle, I felt a surge of creativity and a burning desire to capture the essence of the sport on canvas. With every stroke of my brush, I aimed to convey the energy and spirit of the polo horse and the determination in its stride. Through my painting, I hope to transport viewers to that thrilling moment when the pounding of hooves and the thud of mallets on the ball merge into a symphony of excitement and beauty.


​Furthermore, as I observed the skilled polo riders gracefully guiding their horses, I was struck by their unwavering focus and the symbiotic connection they shared with their mounts. The riders' intense concentration and precision in their movements added an additional layer of allure to the scene. In my painting, I sought to depict the unity between horse and rider, capturing the harmonious partnership as they worked together as one. The rider's determination and control, reflected in their poised posture and the swift swing of the mallet, became an integral part of my artistic interpretation. Through the convergence of the polo horse's strength and the rider's skill, my painting aims to embody the synergy and passion that emanates from this captivating sport.


Oil on Canvas 66x48in


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©2000 Benito Cerna. Proudly created by Nuntius.

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